Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Around the World on a Student Loan

Hello all,
This is my baby, my life's work, my longest dream. in it's perfect form it is a book, around the world on a student loan, but for now it will be a blog. creation process abound.
briefly i state my authority:
at 17 i was a Rotary International Student Ambassador to Lieto Finland for a year, aug '97-june '98, at which time they also took us to Stockholm, st Petersberg, Lapland, and on a 18 day 13 country tour of Europe.
in 2002 i took a week trip to Paris and london
in 2003 i traveled through western europe with a boyfriend for a week and a half
in 2004 i went back to turku, finland for a week
(these were all spring break trips)
in 2005 i spent 3 weeks traveling Viet Nam with my cousin, who had recently moved there. his older brother, also my cousin was already living there, and still is
after i graduated in may 2006, with a bachelor of Anthropology from the university of arizona and took a two month 11000 mile road trip around the U.S. all by my little lonesome. well i had a friend with me until seattle.
in late summer 2008 i honeymooned in tahitti, that wasn't on my student loans, and doesn't really enter the story, but i wanted to add it to my credentials.

well, there is it, with a quick note about my style, i don't like to capitalize letters, i don't really understand grammar, i still can't tell you what a semi-colon is used for, i believe in both long rambling sentences and fragments. as long as the words flow and the meaning comes across, that is what communication is all about anyway, right?

stories will follow, i have to weed through all i have written on the matter, 80 some odd pages and counting, and see where that leads us.
as always, enjoy


  1. Here's what Kurt Vonnegut said about semi-colons: "If you really want to hurt your parents, and you don't have the nerve to be a homosexual, the least you can do is go into the arts. But do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites, standing for absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college."

    I just found an interesting article about semi-colon use:


    I'm excited about your book.


  2. Dear Esteemed Customer,

    You are welcome to MARK MOEL LOAN COMPANY. We are currently giving out loans to any part of the world at 3% interest rate. If interested, Contact Mr Larry Jeff with the email address bellow Email: markmoelloanhouse@live.com

    We give out loans at 3% interest rate. To any part of the world. With a duration of between 1 to 25years.

    Also We only give out loans to applicants of between 18 years and above. You have to provide the following details about you and your proposal so that i will know how to help.


    *Full Name:.............
    *Age:......................... .
    *Country:..................... .
    *Business name(If Any):..........
    *Loan Amount needed:........
    *Purpose of loan:............
    *Loan Duration:............
    *Date of birth:.......
    *Marital status:........
    *Next Of Kin:...............
    *Monthly Income:......
    * Fax:..............
    *postal code:.........
    *Internet at home............

    In acknowledgment of these details, We shall send you our terms along with repayment schedule and If you agree to the terms and conditions ,you stand to get your loan within 24hours. This depends on your seriousness and urgency in obtaining the loan.

    best regard,
    Mr Mark Moel
